Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to announce the launch of the American Headache Society’s new Education On Demand platform that provides members with remote access to educational resources from AHS meetings and events on one digital platform. Featuring select presentations, courses and materials, the Education On Demand platform provides the opportunity to view recorded sessions for CME credit, download documents, access links to current AHS virtual events and view related sponsors.

If you are not a member of AHS, you can create a free account to access a sample of CME opportunities currently available, including the Pain Symposium, NP/PA Course – The Bridge, Headache 101, and select Plenary and Concurrent sessions from the 2017, 2018, and 2019 Scottsdale Headache Symposium and 60th and 61st Annual Scientific Meetings. Also available is access to the Virtual Annual Scientific Meeting – June 2020 and 2020 Virtual Scottsdale Headache Symposium meeting websites, where you can register or login to gain access to all meeting content.

Create a free account here

We encourage you to join the American Headache Society for full access to our enhanced virtual offerings and other member benefits including discounted registration fees to the virtual and in-person Annual Scientific Meeting and Scottsdale Headache Symposium®.

We hope you find this new resource of value to you and your practice and encourage you to share with colleagues who may benefit from this exciting opportunity.

Andrew C. Charles, MD, FAHS, Chair, Education Committee
Matthew S. Robbins, MD, FAHS, Chair, Membership Committee
Amaal Starling, MD, FAHS, Chair, Electronic Media Committee