View the CONy 2020 Scientific Program

Zadovoljstvo nam je da Vas obavestimo da će 14. svetski kongres o kontroverzama u neurologiji (14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology-CONy) biti održan od 2. do 5. oktobra 2020. u Londonu, Velika Britanija. Kongres će obuhvatiti različite teme, uključujući najnovija i najkontroverznija pitanja iz neurologije. Za listu tema, kliknite […]

Secondary Headaches School

EHF is pleased to announce the programme for the Secondary Headaches School hosted by the Polish Headache Society here: Target audience: neurologists, ENT specialists and general practitioners with special interest in headache. 16 CME points according to Polish regulations (recognized in EU) Official language: English Programme goals: After the […]

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XI/XVII Kongres neurologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem

Kongres neurologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem je održan u Beogradu od 24.-26.novembra 2017. Nacionalno udruženje za glavobolje  svoje aktivno učešće imalo je prvog dana kongresa.   Prema prethodno iskazanim interesovanjima članova udruženja i naših kolega, edukativni kurs iz oblasti glavobolja pod moderatorstvom doc. dr Jasne Zidverc Trajković i prof. dr […]

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EHMTIC congress

EUROPEAN HEADACHE FEDERATION A company limited by guarantee; registered charity no. 1084181 EHF – Letting your members know about EHMTIC 2014 Amsterdam, July 22, 2014 Dear EHF Country Representative, On behalf of Prof. Rigmor Jensen, President of EHF, and the EHMTIC 2014 organising committees, I am writing to ask for […]

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British 10K 2014

Date: Sunday 13th July 2014 City: London The British 10K is the UK’s most prestigious and sought-after 10km road race which is staged on the world’s greatest route through the heart of central London.  25,000 runners fill the streets of the nation’s capital and get the unique chance to run past many […]

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Keele Migraine Meeting

Date: Saturday 21st June 2014 Time: 12:25 – 16:30 City: Keele Venue: Keele University Speakers Professor Peter J. Goadsby, Dr Brendan Davies, Dr Anish Bahra, Wendy Thomas The Migraine Trust, the health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom, is organising a ‘Managing Your Migraine’ information event in Keele for people living […]

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Managing Your Migraine – BELFAST

Date: Saturday 24th May 2014 Time: 9.30 City: Belfast Venue: Holiday Inn Express Belfast Speakers Wendy Thomas, Dr Louise Rusk, Dr Raeburn Forbes, Esther Tomkins. The Migraine Trust, the health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom, is organising a ‘Managing Your Migraine’ information event in Belfast for people living with migraine […]

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South London Patient, Public and Carer Involvement & Engagement Workshop

Date: Monday 12th May 2014 Time: 12:00 – 14:00 City: London Venue: London Southbank University, Elephant and Castle Are you interested in clinical South London research within your local NHS Services?The NIHR Clinical Research Network: South London will be hosting a Public, Patient and Carer Involvement and Engagement (PCPIE) WorkshopIf you as an individual or […]