Date: Saturday 24th May 2014
Time: 9.30
City: Belfast
Venue: Holiday Inn Express Belfast
Speakers Wendy Thomas, Dr Louise Rusk, Dr Raeburn Forbes, Esther Tomkins.

The Migraine Trust, the health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom, is organising a ‘Managing Your Migraine’ information event in Belfast for people living with migraine or with an interest in learning more about the condition.The programme will include presentations by migraine experts, with opportunities to ask questions and meet other migraine sufferers.  You will be able to learn more about The Migraine Trust and talk to staff.  Refreshments will be provided.

The Migraine Trust has secured funding towards this event from the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund.

Programme – TBC

9.30am Registration and refreshments
9.50am Welcome and introduction – Wendy Thomas
10.00am What is migraine – Dr Louise Rusk
10.40am Q&A
10.50am Comfort break
10.55am Acute and Preventative Medication – Dr Raeburn Forbes
11.35am Q&A
Refreshment break
12.05pm Lifestyle/making the most out of your consultation – Esther Tomkins
12.45pm  Q&A
12.55pm  Closing Comments – Wendy Thomas
1.00pm  Close
Location: Beograd