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EHF – Letting your members know about EHMTIC 2014

Amsterdam, July 22, 2014

Dear EHF Country Representative,

On behalf of Prof. Rigmor Jensen, President of EHF, and the EHMTIC 2014 organising committees, I am writing to ask for your support in building the 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress, 18-21 September 2014, Copenhagen, into a successful event.

The EHF is very proud to consider the European Headache Federation a member and thus we are asking you to spread the word within your society and networks. A few ways include:

  1. Upload EHMTIC 2014 into your society calendar
    EHMTIC 2014
    18-21 September 2014
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    EHMTIC is the premier international event for neurologists, physicians, scientists, researchers, international experts, and healthcare professionals with an interest in migraine and headache disorders.
  2. Email your members to attend the Congress.
  3. Insert the EHMTIC banner onto your website and link to You can copy and paste the banner at the top.

For more materials on the meeting, I kindly invite you visit or be in touch with EHF Administrative Office (

Best Wishes,
EHF Administrative Office

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark