The Susan Haydon bursary The Migraine Trust is delighted to announce the launch of our first Susan Haydon bursary. Created in honour of Susan Haydon, our former Information and Support Services Manager who died in 2019, we are offering a grant to support students and professionals with an interest in […]
AHS Education On Demand Platform Now Available
Dear Colleague, We are pleased to announce the launch of the American Headache Society’s new Education On Demand platform that provides members with remote access to educational resources from AHS meetings and events on one digital platform. Featuring select presentations, courses and materials, the Education On Demand platform provides the […]
Predavanje Profesora Jes Olesen-a o Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji glavobolja 3. izdanje
Dragi prijatelji i članovi NUGS-a, Zadovoljstvo nam je što možemo da podelimo seriju tutorijala Profesora Jes Olesen-a o Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji glavobolja 3. izdanje. 1. Principles and use 2. Migraine without aura and chronic migraine 3. Migraine with aura 4. Tension-type headache and TACs 5. Other primary headaches 6. Secondary headaches […]
Otvorena prijava za Međunarodnu akademiju za glavobolje 2021.
Američko društvo za glavobolju objavilo je informaciju da je otvorena prijava za Međunarodnu akademiju za glavobolje 2021. Konkurs je raspisan za specijalizante, istraživače-doktorante ili kliničare kojima je edukacija u toku ili nije prošlo više od 5 godina nakon završetka edukacije. Međunarodna akademija za glavobolje 2021. biće virtualni događaj u periodu […]
View the CONy 2020 Scientific Program
Zadovoljstvo nam je da Vas obavestimo da će 14. svetski kongres o kontroverzama u neurologiji (14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology-CONy) biti održan od 2. do 5. oktobra 2020. u Londonu, Velika Britanija. Kongres će obuhvatiti različite teme, uključujući najnovija i najkontroverznija pitanja iz neurologije. Za listu tema, kliknite […]
EHF 2020 | Important information on the current situation
Dear abstract authors, speakers, participants, partners and committee members, We know you are currently inundated with emails, news reports and messages related to COVID-19. This is, no doubt, impacting you professionally and personally. I can assure you: We are in this together, navigating our next steps day by day, making […]