NUGS edukacija
Informišite se o održanim kursevima kontinuirane medicinske edukacije na temu glavobolja u organizaciji NUGS-a

O glavoboljama
Saznajte više o najčešćim tipovima glavobolja, uzrocima i načinima lečenja

Dnevnik glavobolja
Vođenje dnevnika glavobolja je najvažniji korak u postavljanju ispravne dijagnoze

Medicinski profesionalci
Deo namenjen lekarima sa posebnim interesovanjem za glavobolje
Skupovi & konferencije
View the CONy 2020 Scientific Program
Zadovoljstvo nam je da Vas obavestimo da će 14. svetski kongres o kontroverzama u neurologiji (14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology-CONy) biti održan od 2. do 5. oktobra 2020. u Londonu, Velika Britanija. Kongres će obuhvatiti različite teme, uključujući najnovija i najkontroverznija pitanja iz neurologije. Za listu tema, kliknite ovde. Za najnoviji bilten kliknite . Za naučni program kliknite . Za dodatne informacije posetite veb sajt CONy – The 14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology
Secondary Headaches School
EHF is pleased to announce the programme for the Secondary Headaches School hosted by the Polish Headache Society here: https://headacheschool.pl/programme Target audience: neurologists, ENT specialists and general practitioners with special interest in headache. 16 CME points according to Polish regulations (recognized in EU) Official language: English Programme goals: After the course the participants should be able to: recognize various clinical presentations of secondary headaches; be familiar with ”red flags” and ”comfort signs” of secondary headaches; develop diagnostic and treatment plans for helping patients with all aspects of secondary headaches. Diploma: Sent via email after successful final test validation. EHF provides grants according to the guidelines attached: Up to 600 Euro per participant from the EHF member countries (registration and accommodation up to 3 nights). No more than 3 participants from each country. Please apply according to these rules as indicated in the paper! Application deadline is 1 October 2019. EHF will select a) according to the rules, b) first come first serve.
14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
The 14th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) will take place in London, UK on March 26-29, 2020.

XI/XVII Kongres neurologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem
Kongres neurologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem je održan u Beogradu od 24.-26.novembra 2017. Nacionalno udruženje za glavobolje svoje aktivno učešće imalo je prvog dana kongresa. Prema prethodno iskazanim interesovanjima članova udruženja i naših kolega, edukativni kurs iz oblasti glavobolja pod moderatorstvom doc. dr Jasne Zidverc Trajković i prof. dr Jasne Jančić na ovogodišnjem kongresu bio je posvećen akutnim glavoboljama. Sledeći provereno dobar koncept svaka od tema edukacije: glavobolja udara groma, glavobolja provocirana fizičkim naporom, glavobolja kod bolesnika sa patološkim neurološkim nalazom ili somatskim nalazom, glavobolja posle 50 godine života i u trudnoći, akutna glavobolja kod dece i adolescenata i dr, bila je obrađena kroz predavanja kojima su prezentovani najnoviji stručni stavovi i prikaze slučajeva kojima je slikovito i didaktički objašnjeno sa čime se sve neurolog može sresti u svakodnevnom radu. Na kraju izuzetno zadovoljni što je uspešno održana još jedna ekukacija o glavoboljama, umesto ocene edukativnog kursa od strane organizatora, dajemo vam uvid u atmosferu sa kursa kroz nekoliko fotografija. Srdačno i sa željom da se susretnemo na sledećemo kongresu za dve godine. ispred NUGS-a, dr Aleksandra Mitrović

EHMTIC congress
EUROPEAN HEADACHE FEDERATION A company limited by guarantee; registered charity no. 1084181 EHF – Letting your members know about EHMTIC 2014 Amsterdam, July 22, 2014 Dear EHF Country Representative, On behalf of Prof. Rigmor Jensen, President of EHF, and the EHMTIC 2014 organising committees, I am writing to ask for your support in building the 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress, 18-21 September 2014, Copenhagen, into a successful event. The EHF is very proud to consider the European Headache Federation a member and thus we are asking you to spread the word within your society and networks. A few ways include: Upload EHMTIC 2014 into your society calendar EHMTIC 2014 18-21 September 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark EHMTIC is the premier international event for neurologists, physicians, scientists, researchers, international experts, and healthcare professionals with an interest in migraine and headache disorders. Email your members to attend the Congress. Insert the EHMTIC banner onto your website and link to www.ehmtic2014.com. You can copy and paste the banner at the top. For more materials on the meeting, I kindly invite you visit www.ehmtic2014.com or be in touch with EHF Administrative Office (info@ehf-org.org). Best Wishes, EHF Administrative Office

British 10K 2014
Date: Sunday 13th July 2014 City: London The British 10K is the UK’s most prestigious and sought-after 10km road race which is staged on the world’s greatest route through the heart of central London. 25,000 runners fill the streets of the nation’s capital and get the unique chance to run past many of the country’s greatest landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey. Abilities range from charity fundraisers and recreational runners right through to Olympic champions. Run for Migraine Did you know that eight million people suffer from migraine in the UK? No other neurological condition affects so many people. The Migraine Trust is working to raise awareness of migraine and support sufferers, however, we are a small charity and need your support to continue this work. By taking part in the British 10K 2014 you will help us to raise much needed funds and you will also help raise awareness amongst your friends, family and colleagues. Enter now If you would like to take part in the British 10K 2014 then why not apply for one of our guaranteed charity places? The Migraine Trust’s guaranteed charity places are free and all we ask in return […]

Keele Migraine Meeting
Date: Saturday 21st June 2014 Time: 12:25 – 16:30 City: Keele Venue: Keele University Speakers Professor Peter J. Goadsby, Dr Brendan Davies, Dr Anish Bahra, Wendy Thomas The Migraine Trust, the health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom, is organising a ‘Managing Your Migraine’ information event in Keele for people living with migraine or with an interest in learning more about the condition.The programme will include presentations by migraine experts, with opportunities to ask questions and meet other migraine sufferers. You will be able to learn more about The Migraine Trust and talk to staff. Refreshments will be provided.

Managing Your Migraine – BELFAST
Date: Saturday 24th May 2014 Time: 9.30 City: Belfast Venue: Holiday Inn Express Belfast Speakers Wendy Thomas, Dr Louise Rusk, Dr Raeburn Forbes, Esther Tomkins. The Migraine Trust, the health and medical research charity for migraine in the United Kingdom, is organising a ‘Managing Your Migraine’ information event in Belfast for people living with migraine or with an interest in learning more about the condition.The programme will include presentations by migraine experts, with opportunities to ask questions and meet other migraine sufferers. You will be able to learn more about The Migraine Trust and talk to staff. Refreshments will be provided. The Migraine Trust has secured funding towards this event from the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund. Programme – TBC 9.30am Registration and refreshments 9.50am Welcome and introduction – Wendy Thomas 10.00am What is migraine – Dr Louise Rusk 10.40am Q&A 10.50am Comfort break 10.55am Acute and Preventative Medication – Dr Raeburn Forbes 11.35am Q&A 11.45am Refreshment break 12.05pm Lifestyle/making the most out of your consultation – Esther Tomkins 12.45pm Q&A 12.55pm Closing Comments – Wendy Thomas 1.00pm Close

London 2 Brighton Challenge 2014
Date: Saturday 24th May 2014 The London 2 Brighton Challenge is now one of the UK’s greatest endurance events. Most will walk the 100km; some will jog it, and many will run it as an ultra-marathon. However you take it on, it’s a test of determination and stamina. It’s real, no gimmicks, no contrived obstacles, and is achievable. It could be the most rewarding experience of your life!It’s no ordinary challenge event – it sets new standards of support and hospitality – and is why nearly 80% of the 1800 who took part in 2013 crossed the finish line – most of whom were new to any form of ‘ultra event’ing’. It’s a journey you won’t forget; starting with a training regime some months beforehand, through to the excitement at the start line, and eventually, with weary limbs and the Brighton coast in view, celebration and an overwhelming sense of achievement. It only finishes when you’ve had time to reflect on what you have done – and how your challenge helped others. Walk It! – 100km tough endurance walk Run It! – An epic cross-country Ultra Marathon Event pack – hi-vis, energy products, + FREE COMMEMORATIVE NECK BUFF Full event support […]

South London Patient, Public and Carer Involvement & Engagement Workshop
Date: Monday 12th May 2014 Time: 12:00 – 14:00 City: London Venue: London Southbank University, Elephant and Castle Are you interested in clinical South London research within your local NHS Services?The NIHR Clinical Research Network: South London will be hosting a Public, Patient and Carer Involvement and Engagement (PCPIE) WorkshopIf you as an individual or a member of a patient/carer group and want to be involved in the delivery of clinical research or would like to explore ways you can help promote the opportunities to patients in South London, come along to the workshop to find out more. This afternoon event will comprise of presentations from patients and health professionals currently involved in clinical research, followed by some interactive exercises and workshops looking at the network’s current strategy and campaigns. Spaces are limited so you must register to attend. Full agenda and venue details will be provided post registration. To register to attend please click here or contact the CRN: South London team by email or call 020 7188 0494.
17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)
We are proud to announce that the 17th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy) will take place on March 23-25, 2023 in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. We hope that finally we shall be able to resume our face-to-face meetings. All our participants are encouraged to take an active role in the Congress by engaging faculty members in an open and unique environment and voting on debates in each session. For more information, please visit: https://eviewd.com/_ODfXHa9YF https://cony.comtecmed.com/
European Headache Federation (EHF) Rotterdam 2022
The European Headache Federation (EHF) announces the 14th Meeting of its own School of Advanced Studies (SAS), to be held in Rotterdam, 28-30 September 2022. This meeting is designed for physicians who want to improve their clinical expertise and knowledge of the latest research trends in the field of migraine. Further information can be found in the attached document and at https://www.ehf-headache.com/news-events/sas SAS-2022-Rotterdam
Produžen rok za pedaju apstrakta za IHF 2021
Abstract submission We are pleased to announce we have extended the abstract submission deadline. You can now submit your abstract until 6 April 2021, 23.59 CET. Abstract submission
Izbor za Odbor EHF-a
Poštovani članovi NUGS-a, Želimo da vas obavestimo da će se u septembru tokom virtuelnog kongresa HIS/EHF održati izbor za Odbor EHF-a. U daljem tekstu možete pročitati originalno obaveštenje Prof. Dr. Zaza Katsarava. We would like to announce that in September during the virtual IHS/EHF Congress we will have EHF Board elections. Those of you who would like to stand for it, please go to the EHF website and look for the application guidelines. Basically you have to have recommendation by two member societies and apply on due time. Good luck Prof. Dr. Zaza Katsarava